Use Idaho Storage to Store Appliances

Admin | September 2, 2021 @ 12:00 AM

Use Idaho Storage to Store Appliances


If you’re moving between homes or beginning a major renovation project, then self storage is going to be your best friend. It’s the quickest and easiest way to get everything out of the house and out of your way without sacrificing your peace of mind. Self storage helps you rest easy at night knowing all of your stuff is safely stashed away somewhere close by and you can access it whenever you need it. 


Though many storage facilities offer 24-hour cameras, gated access, and alarm-enabled units, the best thing you can do to protect your stuff is to correctly prepare it for storage. This is especially true when it comes to storing major appliances like a washer and dryer, oven, or refrigerator. 


At Wise Space Storage, we want to make sure you have a fantastic experience using our Boise storage units, and we’ve got lots of tips for using self storage in Boise, ID. Check out our top 3 tips for properly preparing your appliances for storage!


1. Clean the appliance and make sure it is completely dry


The last thing you want to do is open up your storage unit a few weeks or months from now and find that your practically brand-new, stainless steel appliance is now home to a family of mice or has mold and mildew growing all over it. You can prevent this from being your future by thoroughly cleaning your appliance before storing it in our Boise self storage facility. Remember that crumbs and even lingering smells can attract unwanted critters and pests who are more than willing to make your appliance their new home. Giving your appliance a deep clean removes these tempting smells and morsels so you’re less likely to attract unwanted visitors. 


After cleaning, make sure that you let all parts of your appliance dry completely. This is especially important for all of your washer parts and hoses. You may consider unscrewing them from your machine and setting them flat to increase air circulation so they dry more quickly. Don’t ever store wet or damp appliances, even if it’s for a short period of time. Mold and mildew grow very quickly and it’s difficult to completely remove them from your appliance once they’ve started growing. 


2. Clearly label fragile parts and avoid stacking other objects on top of it


Despite their large size, major appliances often have weak or fragile areas that we need to be extra careful with. This could include the glass door on your frontload washer or glass shelves inside your fridge. All of these areas should be clearly labeled so no one accidentally breaks something during transit. 


To help protect these fragile weak spots on your appliances, it’s best practice to not stack anything else on top of your appliance. We know it’s really tempting to do, but your appliance was not designed to be a countertop, nor a table. It may not be able to hold that much weight for a long period of time without being dented, bent, or otherwise damaged and stacking a bunch of things on top of the appliances helps it blend in. We want your appliance to stand out so you realize when you’re standing close to a fragile area and need to take extra care. 


3. Cover appliances to prevent dust buildup


This is especially important if you’re planning to store your appliance long-term. Appliances have lots of small nooks and crannies that can easily fill with dust and impede their functionality. Not to mention it’s a nightmare to try to clean out all of those tiny little spaces.  You can protect your appliances from dust buildup to keep them looking and working like they’re brand new by covering them with a sheet or blanket while they are in storage. Be sure to tape down the edges and secure the cover so it doesn’t fall or get pulled off accidentally. 


Find a Storage Unit Near You

Now that your appliances are prepared for self storage, it’s time to pick and reserve your unit. Skip the Google search for “available storage near me” and instead visit where you can browse available units, make a reservation, and pay for your Boise storage unit. Have any questions? Feel free to contact us anytime for answers to all of your self storage questions!